I got back home from a week in Berlin and discovered that in order to keep this blog, Google wanted me to do something I don't really understand for reasons I find rather fuzzy. Something about moving data hither and thither, and someting else about this not being automatic for Blogger and a convoluted "manual" way of doing it that doesn't seem to work for me. On the whole, I get the impression that Google wants me to use my Google account to do everything, and I don't like it. I disliked it already when I tried to log onto Youtube and found that I suddenly had to use my Google account for that. I use Youtube for silliness. I want to be anonymous doing that. When I tried moving my data, as mentioned above, a list came up of things like the subjects of the latest e-mails in my e-mail account and the titles of the videos I'd watched last time I was on Youtube and logged in. I'm no fan of conspiracy theories, and the parallel I'm going to make now isn't entirely serious, but the day before, I'd been to the Stasi museum.
(Stasi = the East German Ministry for State Security, a truly terrifying intelligence organization.)
So, a feeling of gradually being monitored more and more closely and a more pragmatic insight that I'm not sure for how long I'll be able to post to this blog without doing the moving of data that doesn't seem to work for me. Result: new blog! I briefly contemplated getting another Livejournal account. (I used to have one, but felt awkward posting serious stuff on it and wanted to be more mature. Then it turned out that I'm feeling a little awkward posting funny stuff on here, because of that idea I had of this blog being more thoughtful and less fangirly.) However, this winter I stumbled over a post on the LJ-like Dreamwidth that gave me a positive image of that site, and I think I might feel at home there.
It's getting too late in the evening for me to make my first post there today, but I certainly will tomorrow. I've a couple of almost finished things sitting on the laptop.